Sunday, November 29, 2009

Confessions of a bad blogger

So I don't blog that a bad thing. It's not like anyone is reading this anyway...

Since I still like to speak my mind (captive audience or not) I feel that I need to discuss something other than New Moon LOL I do have other interests :)
I could start with a confession about how I enjoy watching MTV's The Hills the way some people love crack. Not the ho's trying to score some on the street cause they can't live without it...I'm talking about the ones who are very educated, and family oriented, but they have that one little guilty pleasure. that one guilty pleasure that eventually leads to their demise but I digress. So it's a bit embarrassing that I even entertain myself with such trivial fluff. These people are materialistic, selfish, childish, and borderline retarded in some instances....and yet...I watch and i laugh and I keep informed of the ridiculous choices made by these people who, like paris hilton, are famous for nothing.


  1. It's so crazy...I just started my blog up last week!! We're soooo on the same wavelength. Plus, The Hills is my guilty pleasure too. Love ya!

  2. I knew i could count on you my dearest judah. You never leave me in the pits of guilt and shame alone!! LOL

  3. I don't watch The Hills, but I tend to know things about these people who are famous for nothing by reading it in tabloids (one of my guilty know I have plenty ;)
